The art world half-a-century ago, when Evelyn Williams began her career, was a macho preserve. Since then there has been the successful feminist revolution, at least in the arts, and the situation has reversed. In art schools female students outnumber the male. Women artists, like Evelyn, who managed to establish themselves before the sea-change, are heroic pioneers. She has blazed a trail in the most universal subject of all, human relationships - en masse, in groups, families, couples or concentrating solitude. She has done this with the vision of a poet and the empathy of a wife, mother and grandmother. The result, as subtle in technique as it is profound in feeling and visionary in scope, has no equivalent.
John McEwen
Her work deserves to be as well-know as those of her fellow 1961 John Moores prize-winners, Blake, Blow, Hockney, Kitaj, Kossoff, McWilliam and Uglow.